
At Wikizon, we believe that fashion should not come at the expense of our planet. From the raw materials we choose to the practices we implement, our journey is defined by conscious choices that celebrate sustainability.

About Us

Driven by the mantra "buy less, buy better," our goal is to craft jackets that stands the test of time, both in style and durability. Each jacket reflects our unwavering commitment to quality and our conscious acknowledgment of its environmental footprint.

The Challenges

Fashion's environmental toll is profound. By presenting transparent facts and figures, we aim to spotlight the pressing challenges the industry faces. Join us as we address the urgent need for sustainable fashion practices and work towards a greener future.

Our Ethos

Merging craftsmanship with responsibility, our ethos stands firm: prioritize planet and people in every garment. From sustainable sourcing to ethical practices, our principles guide each design choice.


Fabrics are the foundation of our collections, and we’re meticulous about their origins and impacts. Whether it’s the breathable linen for summer afternoons or the cozy wool for chilly evenings, our selection is rooted in sustainability. Find our more about our eco-friendly materials like Organic Cotton, Wool, Linen and more below.

Animal Welfare

At the core of our sustainability ethos is a deep respect for animal welfare. For our some collections, we predominantly use plant-based fibres like linen, organic cotton. This ensures a reduced reliance on animal-derived textiles.

Production & Labour

For years, we have been committed to building open and transparent partnerships that prioritize workers’rights and well-being. Ensuring that those who make our garments are treated with dignity, respect, and care is of paramount importance to us. We consciously steer clear of many of the labor challenges prevalent throughout the fashion industry, including forced labor, unfair wage structures, and hazardous working conditions. We regularly communicate with management and employees to ensure product quality.


The well-being of our planet is inextricably linked to our actions. Through conscious recycling initiatives, energy consumption from renewable sources, and a proactive approach to waste management, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint one garment at a time. Learn more about our climate initiatives below.

We prioritize renewable energy, careful recycling, textile protection, and eco-friendly packaging. Every step we take is a step towards a more sustainable future.

• Packaging

It is vital to protect our garments during shipping, and the bags we choose to pack them in are not only 100% sustainable, but also biodegradable and recyclable.

• Recycling

Waste reduction and sustainable practices are at the core of our ethos. By partnering with leading waste management services companies, we have made significant progress in our recycling efforts. Key highlights include:

Waste Management: We have achieved a recycling rate of 52% of the waste we generate. This demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that recyclable materials are actually recycled, rather than ending up as general waste.
Landfill Diversion: Through careful sorting and recycling practices, we have successfully diverted 4.1 tons of potential waste from landfills. This not only reduces harmful emissions, but also ensures that recyclable materials are put to better use.
Carbon Reduction: Our proactive waste management and recycling practices have resulted in a reduction of 6.4 tonnes of CO2 emissions. This is equivalent to planting a large number of trees or reducing thousands of miles driven by the average car.

• Minimizing Textile Waste

Reducing textile waste is at the heart of our operations, and we have several strategies in place throughout the production and sales lifecycle:

Pre-production: We maximize resource utilization by using roll-tail fabrics for prototyping and sample making during the design process.
Recycling Offcuts: Any fabric and scraps left over at our headquarters are responsibly recycled through a textile collection service.
Managing Deadstock: Items from past seasons, overstock or samples are not thrown away. They find new homes through end-of-season sales, sample sales or donations to charitable causes.
Charitable Donations: Garments with minor imperfections but still functional are donated to charitable causes, ensuring they are put to good use.
Reuse Program: At the heart of our commitment to circularity in clothing, our Reuse Program champions the reimagining and reuse of textiles. Through this effort, we not only aim to reduce waste, but also breathe new life into materials, ensuring that every piece in our collections has the potential to start a second chapter.

• Vitality

While much of our environmental and social footprint is reflected in our products, energy consumption is our second-largest impact. Recognizing this, we have taken decisive steps to address this issue. From our headquarters to our warehouses and stores, each of our locations is powered by renewable energy, harnessing the sustainable power of wind turbines and tidal energy. By choosing these green energy sources, we are not only limiting our carbon footprint, but actively driving the fashion industry towards a more sustainable and eco-conscious future.

At the heart of our brand lies a dedication to crafting timeless menswear, but our commitment doesn’t end there. We believe in a world where every step in the creation process uplifts and honors every individual involved — from the artisans weaving the fabrics to the consumers wearing them. Moreover, we recognize our duty to the planet, striving to make choices that reflect our deep respect for the environment. Join us as we continue our journey, championing both sustainable and ethical advancements in the world of fashion.