Last updated on May 21, 2024


These Terms of Service (together the “terms”) govern all use of and its services (collectively, the “website” or “services”).

Wikizon, the owners and contributors to this website will be referred to in these terms as “we”, “us” or “our”. By using the site or its services, and/or clicking anywhere on the site to agree to these terms, you are deemed a “user” for the purposes of these terms. You and all other users (“you” or “users”, as applicable) are bound by these terms. You and each user also agree to these terms when using the services. If any user does not agree to these terms or the Privacy Policy, then that user may not access the site or use the services.

Users are prohibited from illegal use

Users shall not use this website or services in any manner that violates Hong Kong laws, rules or regulations, nor shall they allow anyone to use this website or services, or for any destructive, infringing or illegal purpose, including but not limited to, without limitation, for any purpose. Harassment, defamation, defamation, data theft or inappropriate communication or inappropriate surveillance of any person.

User represents and warrants that:

Users may only use the services in accordance with the provisions of these terms;

The user is over 18 years old and has all the rights, power and ability to agree to these terms;

User will provide the website and its owners with accurate, complete and up-to-date information;

User will notify the site and its owners of any material changes to the information provided by the ser by updating and correcting the information or by alerting the site and its owners through the site’s functionality or at the email address provided below.

Disclaimer of warranties

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the site is provided “as is” with all faults. The website does not guarantee that use or operation of the service will be uninterrupted or that any data will be transmitted in a timely, uncorrupted, uninterrupted or secure manner. This website disclaims all representations, warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express, implied, written, oral, contract, common law or statutory, including but not limited to any warranty, liability or condition of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, proprietary rights, non-infringement or rights that may arise out of dealing or trade practice.

Limited liability

This website will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages of any kind, including without limitation lost profits (whether or not we have been advised that such damages may occur) or exposure to any third party claims brought by a party arising out of any act or omission. The website assumes no responsibility for any acts or omissions of any third parties related to the services, website offers, or any conduct of website users.

Regardless of any damages user may incur for any cause, the site’s total liability relating to the site or the services and either party’s exclusive remedy shall be limited to the amount actually paid, if any, by user to the site owner during the period of use. This website is not responsible for any damages resulting from any loss, disclosure or use of information by third parties, whether or not such disclosure or use is with the user’s knowledge or consent. This website is not responsible for any damages related to: the actions or omissions of the user, the actions or omissions of any third party (including but not limited to any telecommunications service provider), or those beyond the reasonable control of this website. event or cause. The site has no obligations and assumes no liability to any third party that is not a user bound by these terms. The limitations, exclusions and disclaimers in these terms shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law even if any remedy fails of its essential purpose.

Changes to the site and services

The owners and contributors to this website strive to improve the website for our users and to further our business interests in the website. We reserve the right to add, change and remove features, content and data, including the right to add or change any pricing terms. You agree that we will not be liable for any such changes. Neither your use of the site nor these terms gives you any right, title or protectable legal interest in the site or its content.


If your activities or any activities on your behalf give rise to potential or actual liability for us or any of our users, partners or contributors, you agree to indemnify us and any such users, partners, contributors or any agents people and protect them from harm. and all claims, defense and judgment costs, liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses and other expenses associated with any claim or proceeding arising out of or related to your use of the site or your breach of these terms.

Intellectual property

The site grants the user a revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use the site solely in connection with the site and the services in accordance with these terms.

Copyright in all content and works of authorship contained on this website is the property of this website or its licensors. Except for minimal text excerpts of links to this website, accurately attributed social media references, and links back to this website, no text, images, video or audio recordings or any other content of this website may be reproduced without express permission. Detailed written permission from the website owner. User may not sublicense or otherwise transfer any rights or access to the website or related services to any other person.


Any information you provide to this site is subject to this site’s Privacy Policy, which governs our collection and use of user information. User understands that by using the website and its services, user consents to the collection and use (as described in the Privacy Policy) of information, including the transfer of this information to other countries for storage, processing and use through the website. The site may make certain communications, such as service announcements and administrative messages to some or all users. These communications are considered part of the user’s account on the service and site, and users cannot opt-out of all such communications.

Username, password and profile

If prompted, user must provide the site with a valid email address at which user can receive messages. Users must also update the website if their email address changes. This website reserves the right to terminate any user’s account and/or user’s access to this website if a valid email is requested but not provided.

If the site prompts or allows user to create a username or profile, user agrees not to select a username or provide any profile information that may impersonate another person or that may cause confusion with any other person or entity. This website reserves the right to cancel user accounts or change usernames or profile data at any time. Likewise, if the site allows comments or user input, or prompts or allows users to create avatars or upload images, users agree not to use any images that impersonate another person or entity, or that are likely to cause confusion.
You are responsible for safeguarding your username and password for this website, and you agree not to disclose it to any third party. We recommend that you use a password longer than eight characters. You are responsible for all activity on your account, whether authorized by you or not. You agree to notify us of any unauthorized use of your account by sending an email to [email protected]. You acknowledge that if you wish to protect your interactions with the Site, you are responsible for using a secure, encrypted connection, virtual private network, or other appropriate measures. The site’s own security measures are reasonable given their level of protection, but are of no help if your or any other user’s interactions with the site are not secure or private.


Our company is based in Hong Kong and you enter into a contract to use our website. These terms and all matters arising out of your use of the website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, without regard to any choice of law rules of any jurisdiction. The Hong Kong courts with geographical jurisdiction over disputes arising from our office locations will be the only permissible venue for any and all disputes arising out of or related to these terms or the site and services.


These terms supersede all oral or written communications and understandings between the user and the site.

Any cause of action a User may have with respect to the site or services must be instituted within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises.
Each party waives the right to a jury trial in any dispute relating to the terms, site or services.

If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any aspect of these Terms to be unenforceable, then such Terms shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of such Terms, and the remainder of these Terms shall continue in full force and effect.

Users may not assign their rights or delegate their responsibilities under these Terms or in relation to the website or its services.

There shall be no third-party beneficiaries under these terms, other than the site’s affiliates, suppliers and licensors, or as required by law.

Use of the site and its services is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms, including, without limitation, this paragraph.

The failure of the site to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

Applicable law

These Website Terms of Service and all of our policies and procedures shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. You hereby irrevocably agree that the courts of Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or dispute relating to or arising out of these Terms and Order Terms.

Terms contact

If you have any questions about these Terms, please send an email to [email protected].

Company information

Company Name: Wikizon
Company Address: UNIT 2223, 22/F, YAN’S TOWER 25 – 27 WONG CHUK HANG ROAD